In Maryland, bad weather hits multiple times per year. Often, heavy winds and rain cause damage throughout various towns and cities in the state. Hurricanes and other tropical storms that come over from the east coast will often hit Maryland, causing downed power lines, trees, and other types of damage that affect many people’s homes. This can cause lasting issues that take a lot of time and money to get back to normal.
Maryland Homeowners Insurance Coverage
The Maryland Insurance Administration states that many homeowners policies will cover different types of damage caused by various types of storms. For damage related to wind, including fallen trees or powerlines, as well as damage to roofing, siding and other areas of the home, most homeowners insurance policies will provide coverage. However, for damage related to flooding, even if as a result of a hurricane or tropical storm, regular homeowners insurance will not be able to help. Instead, homeowners who wish to have flood coverage in the event of a tropical storm or hurricane are required to get coverage through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
Bad Faith Insurance Claims Laws in Maryland
When your insurance policy contract states you have coverage for storm-related damage, your provider is required to assist you with the necessary coverage. After filing a claim, insurance companies are required to respond to your claim in a specific amount of time, or continue communication should they need an extension to come to a decision regarding your claim. Additionally, providers are required to give reasonable explanation should your claim be denied, and pay out coverage following an accepted claim.
Sometimes, though, insurance providers will attempt to get around these laws and act in bad faith with customer claims. This is considered a bad faith claim, and is punishable by law. In 2007, the state of Maryland enacted a law that allowed policyholders to sue their insurance providers should they act in bad faith following an insurance claim. To be able to move forward in the legal process following a bad faith claim, policyholders are required to file an official complaint with the Maryland Insurance Administration.
If you suspect you are a victim of a bad faith insurance claim, you will want to contact an insurance lawyer immediately. Insurance lawyers can assist you throughout this process, and understand what is expected of you as the policyholder to move forward with legal proceedings regarding a bad faith claim.
The law offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A., have Maryland insurance lawyers available to assist you throughout this legal process. They are experienced insurance attorneys that understand Maryland insurance law and can advocate on your behalf for the coverage you deserve to rebuild your home after disaster strikes.