In June of 2021, three tornados moved through the state of North Carolina, leaving many destroyed structures and properties in their wake. The most violent of the three reached winds up to 105 miles per hour, and a width of 500 yards total. Striking North Carolina’s coast primarily, the tornadoes wrecked many homes and communities in the area, leaving significant damage to homes’ interiors and exteriors. The storms also resulted in many downed trees and power lines, which also caused the death of a few individuals following these events.
Tornado Coverage from Insurance Companies
Though not as common as the state in Tornado Valley, North Carolina experiences its fair share of tornadoes. Strong winds can cause significant damage to homes, often pulling off roofs and siding, and in the most severe cases, completely destroying homes in their path.
Having homeowners insurance can help support individuals and families trying to rebuild following a significant tornado or other natural disaster. Most people that have homeowners insurance have some form of coverage that can help them rebuild following a hurricane. Typically, these coverage plans offer coverage for strong winds, though not all plans have this coverage. This is why it is best to confirm that you have coverage for strong winds to ensure you can submit an insurance claim following a tornado. If you are unsure as to whether or not your policy covers tornadoes, consider reaching out to an insurance lawyer to help you understand your claims.
Bad Faith Insurance Claims
After you have submitted a claim for coverage following damage to your home after a tornado, you must rely on the insurance agency to get back to you as to whether they accept your claim.
Though there are not a ton of specific laws surrounding insurance handling in the state of North Carolina, insurance providers are expected to handle claims in good faith, restricting both the person that holds the insurance policy and the insurer from behaving in a way that would prevent them from the insured person receiving benefits.
While it is unlawful to treat insurance claims deceptively, some insurance providers engage in illegal actions following a claims submission. This can leave you feeling frustrated, and as though you have no way to proceed.
If you experience unfair treatment following an insurance claim submission, you will want to contact an insurance attorney immediately. These insurance lawyers know what is expected from insurance agencies by law as it relates to claims processing. The law offices of Michael M. Raheb, P.A., have expert North Carolina insurance lawyers that can support you in legal proceedings following these unlawful actions to get you the money you need when disaster strikes.