Getting Compensation For A Head Injury From A Car Accident In New Mexico
Head injuries are not something you want to take lightly. Even slight impacts to the head or seemingly harmless tweaks to the neck can result in a lifetime of pain and health problems. Head injuries can result in:
- Headaches
- Depression
- Dizziness
- Loss of intellectual ability
- Loss of memory
- Emotional issues
- Speech impediments
- Chronic pain
- Loss of coordination
- Loss of balance
- Chronic fatigue
- Damage to posture/physique
- Nerve damage
Head injuries can be extremely problematic as the years go by. This is why nipping it in the bud is so important. If you’ve been in a car accident and you’re dealing with a head injury, get in touch with the Law Office of Brian K Branch today. Branch’s team of New Mexico personal injury attorneys are qualified and experienced. They have helped tens of thousands of people in our state get results as they seek compensation for their damages.
Who is responsible for my injury?
New Mexico is not a “no-fault” state. This means that in many car accidents, it isn’t necessary to determine who is at fault for the accident. Establishing negligence simply doesn’t factor into the equation, and you would simply file a claim with your own insurance company.
New Mexico also uses a comparative negligence system to determine fault in an auto accident. This often becomes important when the injuries are so severe that your insurance policy will not be enough to cover your damages. If the cause of an accident is very obvious, for example, a speeding drunk driver rear-ending a car stopped at a red light, then the courts can put 100% of the responsibility on that driver. In a more subjective scenario like two cars changing lanes at the same time before colliding, the courts may put 60% of the blame on one party and 40% on the other. If your damages are $100,000, but you are 20% at fault, you will only be eligible for $80,000 in compensation.
It’s vital to have an experienced attorney to create sound arguments for you. This helps you avoid accusations of negligence, and you can maximize the amount of compensation.
Why do I deserve compensation?
A head injury can put big dents in your bank account, and you may need money for:
- Surgery costs
- Rehabilitation
- Therapy
- Medical equipment
- Medication
- Loss of wages
- Punitive damages
- Loss of vitality
- If the injury is a visual wound, perhaps disfigurement damages
Do you need help getting compensation for your head injury?
If you work with the Law Office of Brian K Branch, you won’t have to worry about the justice system leaving you behind. Get in touch today for the compensation you deserve.
The Law Office of Brian K Branch
715 Marquette Ave. NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
Tel: 505.764.9710
Toll Free: 888.972.1212
Fax: 505.764.9722